170th birthday of Emperor Meiji

The NBSK held an sword event supported by the Cultural Agency and the Sightseeing Agency commemorating the 170th birth of date of the Emperor Meiji between October 29 and November 20 at the Treasure hall of the Meiji Shrine. Reiwa 4 (2022) is particularly important year for the shrine and it is very meaningful to have the sword event celebrating the anniversary. It is well known that the emperor was a serious sword collector and his collection is called “Gyobutsu”(Royal Collection).

Meiji Shrine was built in 1921 and is designated as Juyo Bunka Zai (Important Cultural Asset). On the birthday of the emperor, November 3 the event was started by the forging performance of Gassan Sadatoshi at 15:00 pm in front of the main gate.
The event was attended by the Polish ambassador to Japan and other guest from Italia and so on then his demonstration deeply impressed them.

3.600 people had visited the event and it is interesting that 20% of the visitors were foreigners. Various sword craftsmen demonstrated their work during the event and they replied questions from the visitors. Many visitors were very pleased to have an rare opportunity to ask the sword craftsmen for various questions of Japanese swords directly.

Report and photos by Tom Kishida, translated by Kenji Mishina.

Special Sword Forging Exhibition was held at the Treasure Hall of the Meiji Shrine on November 3. 2022:

Photos Tom Kishida