Dai Token Ichi 2022

Dai Token Ichi 2022 had been held at the Tokyo Art Club in Shinbashi of Tokyo between November 18 to 20, after three years cancellation because of the pandemic.
The event was scaled down this time taking into account of preventing the spread of the corona infection.
64 dealers set up their booths in the venue but the number was less than usual.
Though, the event was attended by 2,087 people in three days (2,667 in 2019) and got lively as usual.
The attendants were visiting dealers’ booths and actively looking for fine swords and tosogu.

Po třech létech covidových opatření opět proběhla v Tokyo Art Clubu, na Shinbashi, tradiční prodejní výstava mečů Dai Token Ichi. 64 prodejců nabízelo na svých stáncích kvalitní meče a mečové příslušenství od 18. do 20. listopadu 2022. Návštěvnost 2.087 lidí byla sice menší než v roce 2019 (2.667), ale všichni si výstavu užívali.

Tom Kishida & Mishina Kenji, Tokyo