„KatanaDlouhý japonský meč nošený za pásem obi ostřím nahoru, obecně definovaný délkou čepele n... More matsuri“ the sword festival is holded as trilateral event in Museum of Police CR. The sword is presented as a cultural, historical and spiritual matter.
- sword fighting exhibitions (kendo, iaido, naginatado, …),
- sword lectures,
- workshops (calligraphy, origami, …),
- sword exhibition,
- tea ceremony, wagashi, …).
Sword fighting exhibitions made by Czech champions (of the Europe and World competitions).
KatanaDlouhý japonský meč nošený za pásem obi ostřím nahoru, obecně definovaný délkou čepele n... More Matsuri 2020 is accredited by Japan embassy in Prague to project „100. výročí vztahů mezi Japonskem a Českou republikou“.
Official webpage: https://katanamatsuri.japan.cz/
Programme: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uo-_hIbMN_50IEzLCNfMhOE-L5lTEvZLuADeMjHqnx4/edit?usp=sharing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/494406304843868